
It is sometimes hard after a long day to find the motivation to keep going.

I have found though that I think back to that Neil Gaiman university speech where he repeats his message, “Make Good Art”, to make it on the good days, make it on the bad days, and to just keep on going. It reminds me that there is never “enough” art in the world.

I muddled through a painting recently. After it going well for a few days, I then had this awful background. Day after day, I would wake up, and feel absolute frustration looking at it, and nearly tossed it into the cabinet of “paintings that will never go anywhere nor be seen by anyone”.

I kept working on it though, realized another few coats of paint would work, and it now is sitting on my mini gallery of paintings in the kitchen. Now, I actually enjoy looking at all the layers beneath as a reminder of how sometimes things can turn around.