It’s Go Time

I’m writing this 1 day and 19 hours ahead of the Queen West Art Crawl, which is my first public art exhibit. It’s 4:29 AM.

It’s probably the adrenaline kicking in, fueled by excitement. My mind races ahead of me, trying to plan out every foreseeable problem that could arise. Naturally, this is not going to go as I completely plan it, but that doesn’t stop me from attempting to get ahead.

I’m guessing this is like packing for a overseas trip, except–I’m travelling with 120+ pieces of art, have to set up my own shelter, and my work that is too intertwined with myself will be on display for both inner and outer critics to judge. Yikes. No wonder I woke up early.

I would rather think of it as an open house party for anyone to come by and have a good time. A part of me wants to do an indoor event, crack open bottles of cheap red wine, and invite friends donning a black turtleneck and corresponding plastic lenses to show up.

I’ll enjoy it when I get there which is when I’ll have a better idea of what this festival will be like. It honestly seems so fun and the weather is looking good – a far cry from my catastrophic nightmare of lightning, pouring rain and destroyed art work.

Part of me wants to get it over with. This week has been simultaneously too hectic and too slow. I’ll only get to do my “first art show” once ever in my lifetime, so I’m trying to enjoy the experience.